Opening a checking account as a teenager or college student is a great way to learn how to budget and manage your finances. Even though you may not be earning a large salary yet, you can start to earn interest, use a debit card and become familiar with online and mobile banking.
This blog from Fidelity Federal covers how to open your first checking account and what benefits you can expect.
Steps To Open Your First Checking Account
Opening your first checking account may differ depending on your chosen bank. Here are the typical steps you’ll take to establish a new account:
Step #1: Bring a valid photo ID.
Bring your driver’s license or other government-issued card as proof of identification. If you don’t have a driver’s license, you may be able to use a passport. It’s best to contact your bank ahead of time to determine what forms of identification are acceptable.
Step #2: Provide basic information.
Unless you have it memorized, make sure you have your Social Security number or card with you. You’ll also likely need to provide your address, date of birth, email address and phone number.
Explore personal checking account options at Fidelity Federal >>
Step #3: Have the minimum deposit on hand.
Most banks require a minimum deposit to open a checking account. Call or search your bank’s website to find out what the requirements are before you leave.
Step #4: Be prepared to file a joint account.
If you’re under age 16, you may need to file a joint account with a parent or guardian. Ask your parent or guardian to accompany you to the bank with their valid identification and personal information.
Additionally, you may need your parent or guardian to sign with you to open your account if you’re under 18. Your trusted adult can help you navigate your first checking account and show you the additional benefits you’ll receive.
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Benefits of Opening Your Own Checking Account
Having your own checking account will give you online and mobile banking access, making it easy to manage your money anywhere. Here are examples of benefits Fidelity Federal checking account customers enjoy:
- Debit cards – safe, secure and easy to use without writing a check or waiting for approval, and can also be used as an ATM card to withdraw money and transfer funds
- eStatements – reconcile your account with online eStatements
- Online banking and bill pay – review deposit accounts, get eStatements, transfer money and more through our virtual branch
- Mobile banking and mobile deposit – access account balances and transactions, pay bills, deposit checks, find an ATM and more, no matter where you’re using your mobile device
- FDIC Insured – provides deposit insurance to protect your money in the event of a bank failure
- $25.00 minimum deposit to open – minimum deposit or direct deposit within 30 days of opening
- Interest earned on balances of $1,500 or more – open a FidFed Checking PLUS account to earn interest and get free checks
- Overdraft transfer protection – helps prevent you from overdrawing from your account by using a designated transfer account
Explore Personal Checking Account Options at Fidelity Federal
Fidelity Federal offers simple checking accounts that are ideal for first-time account holders. We’d be happy to help you open your first account with us. Explore your account options on our website, or stop by a location today!